Defining Clients ================ Clients represent applications that can request tokens from your identityserver. The details vary, but you typically define the following common settings for a client: * a unique client ID * a secret if needed * the allowed interactions with the token service (called a grant type) * a network location where identity and/or access token gets sent to (called a redirect URI) * a list of scopes (aka resources) the client is allowed to access .. Note:: At runtime, clients are retrieved via an implementation of the ``IClientStore``. This allows loading them from arbitrary data sources like config files or databases. For this document we will use the in-memory version of the client store. You can wire up the in-memory store in ``ConfigureServices`` via the ``AddInMemoryClients`` extensions method. Defining a client for server to server communication ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In this scenario no interactive user is present - a service (aka client) wants to communicate with an API (aka scope):: public class Clients { public static IEnumerable Get() { return new List { new Client { ClientId = "service.client", ClientSecrets = { new Secret("secret".Sha256()) }, AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.ClientCredentials, AllowedScopes = { "api1", "api2.read_only" } } }; } } .. _startClientsMVC: Defining an interactive application for use authentication and delegated API access ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Interactive applications (e.g. web applications or native desktop/mobile) applications use the authorization code flow. This flow gives you the best security because the access tokens are transmitted via back-channel calls only (and gives you access to refresh tokens):: var interactiveClient = new Client { ClientId = "interactive", AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.Code, AllowOfflineAccess = true, ClientSecrets = { new Secret("secret".Sha256()) }, RedirectUris = { "http://localhost:21402/signin-oidc" }, PostLogoutRedirectUris = { "http://localhost:21402/" }, FrontChannelLogoutUri = "http://localhost:21402/signout-oidc", AllowedScopes = { IdentityServerConstants.StandardScopes.OpenId, IdentityServerConstants.StandardScopes.Profile, IdentityServerConstants.StandardScopes.Email, "api1", "api2.read_only" }, }; .. Note:: see the :ref:`grant types ` topic for more information on choosing the right grant type for your client. Defining clients in appsettings.json ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``AddInMemoryClients`` extensions method also supports adding clients from the ASP.NET Core configuration file. This allows you to define static clients directly from the appsettings.json file:: "IdentityServer": { "IssuerUri": "", "Clients": [ { "Enabled": true, "ClientId": "local-dev", "ClientName": "Local Development", "ClientSecrets": [ { "Value": "" } ], "AllowedGrantTypes": [ "client_credentials" ], "AllowedScopes": [ "api1" ], } ] } Then pass the configuration section to the ``AddInMemoryClients`` method:: AddInMemoryClients(configuration.GetSection("IdentityServer:Clients"))