When importing GAEB files, it is now possible to set the supportSkippedItemNumberLevelsInPositions. This defaults to false, but enables a new feature that properly supports skipped item number levels in GAEB files. For example, if an item number schema defines two group levels and one position level, but the position has is at the second level in the hierarchy, the item number may be displayed as 01.__.02 instead of 01.02.. This is in accordance to the GAEB standard, but is currently specified as an opt-in behavior. Since this feature is still considered to be under testing, it might be updated or changed in future releases
Endpoints that take an AVA project now have an optional feature to automatically generate the ItemNumberSchema and individual ItemNumbers in case it's missing
Added feature to optionally remove unprintable characters when exporting to GAEB or ÖNorm, to ensure valid XML can be generated
Multiple bugfixes for handling ÖNorm B2063 files
Self-hosted instances can now be configured to allow Http scheme in the Swagger documentation instead of Https
The ÖNorm and SIA / Ifa dependencies were updated and include many bugfixes. The import and export results may be different than in previous versions. While the element structure was not changed, many fixes are related to how elements are mapped between Dangl.AVA and the Austrian and Swiss formats
The handling of ÖNorm B2063 file was improved. Among several bugfixes, AVACloud now supports missing optional group levels and handles them correctly. This means that internally, the project structure is not restored to a valid number of parent group levels, which means that importing ÖNorm B2063 files from now one might return different, but more correct results
The internal packages were updated, there's a new property Position.AlternativeGroupIdentifier available in the Dangl.AVA model that allows users to explicitly specify the group identifier used when exporting base and alternative positions
When converting to ÖNorm Xml based formats, AVACloud will now default to try outputting valid Xml files according to the schema. This means that required but missing properties will be filled with sensible defaults
Conversions that target ÖNorm can now set a new query parameter SkipTryEnforceSchemaCompliantXmlOutput to disable strict Xml output when creating ÖNorm files
Several smaller bugfixes when deserializing GAEB files have been added
Dangl.AVACloud now supports the new ÖNorm V2021 format for import and export
GAEB exports to GAEB XML can now optional export QtyDeterm items (Quantity Determination or Quantity Take Off), which can be used to export detailled quantity calculations via GAEB
The internal modules were updated to support more features, mostly for GAEB and ÖNorm
The SIA endpoint can now also deserialize crbx Ifa18 files
Subscriptions to AVACloud are now no longer handled by the service itself, but by the external identity provider
Responses on the public instances should now correctly compress, even those being served from the Cloudflare CDN endpoints. This saves around 90% of bandwidth for most request scenarios
Dangl.AVACloud was updated to .NET 5
For on premise or self hosting customers, Dangl.AVACloud can now be configured to use API key authentication, thus no full integration with Dangl.Identity is required
For on premise or self hosting customers, Dangl.AVACloud now supports PostgeSQL in addition to SQL Server and SqlAzure_ as database providers
Added support to export ÖNorm files to V2009
Added a new parameter EnforceStrictOfferPhaseLongTextOutput when converting to GAEB. This parameter is only applied when the conversion target is GAEB XML and the exchange phase is Offer. This leads to long text exports being strict, meaning that only text addition segments are exported and all other textx are removed from the export, even if the containing element is marked to contain a text addition
Added support for the old ÖNorm B2063 format in import and export scenarios. This is still in a preview state, no guarantee is given that the import and export is working correctly
Fixed a bug where embedded images in Excel files could cause the deserialization to fail. This was caused by missing native dependencies in the Docker images. This did not impact most Excel files, since images are not supported when importing Excel in AVACloud
All endpoints that accept the Dangl.AVA format now accept explicitly empty string values for Guids and enumerations. These empty values will resolve to their internal default values and should make it easier to implement clients
The Swagger specification now correctly describes the application/problem+json content type that may be returned for some Http status codes when client side errors occur
The Excel conversion controllers now internally abort the conversion if the client closes the connection to free up server ressources
Dangl.AVACloud now runs on ASP.NET Core 3.1 and uses the latest Dangl.Identity integrations
When the source format is an AVA Project, it is now possible to set both ProjectTaxRate and ProjectHourlyWage directly on a ServiceSpecification when the ServiceSpecification.PriceInformation element is missing
Internal dependencies were updated to support additional properties in the AVA project model
When exporting to GAEB or ÖNorm, the ProgName value can now be controlled by the user. By default, the name of the OpenID client will be used. This can be configured by setting a special client claim. Please see the documentation for more details
The Dangl.AVA data model was updated and now supports ProductData
Import of REB and GAEB X31 files for quantity takeoff is now supported
Properties that represent DateTime are no longer marked as required by the Swagger definition endpoint. This is because the underlying .NET model uses non-nullable DateTime properties that are omitted from serialization if they have no actual value set
AVACloud now supports GAEB XML v3.3 files in import and export scenarios. This does not change the public interface but only introduces a new DestinationGAEBType value
Add AvaToAva conversion to regenerate calculated properties
Fix regression where properties with default values, e.g. DateTime, were not omitted from the output when ProjectDtos were returned
Add support for importing properietary aslv files
The interactive documentation was changed back to use Swagger 2.0 instead of OpenAPI 3.0, since most tools still have compatibility issues with the newer specification
The generated assemblies now have a strong name. This is a breaking change of the binary API and will require recompilation on all systems that consume this package. The strong name of the generated assembly allows compatibility with other, signed tools. Please note that this does not increase security or provide tamper-proof binaries, as the key is available in the source code per Microsoft guidelines
Add initial support for GAEB XML Version 3.3
Update of internal dependencies for latest bugfixes around GAEB imports
Significant performance increase for projects with tens of thousands of elements
The Swagger definitions were updated to include better formatted descriptions
The Swagger definitions for the API specification were updated to be better compatible with third party code generators
Update Dangl.GAEB and Dangl.AVA.Converter to be able to import GAEB XML files with an invalid exchange phase (Award.DP field)
Fix startup error that triggered for specific configuration in Azure App Services and prevented the app from starting
AVACloud can now export to ÖNorm 2063
AVACloud can now import and export the Swiss SIA 451 format
Fixed wrong return type in generated .NET client code
Include AvaConversionClient in client factory in public package
Introduced support for the German REB DA11 file format. This format is used for quantity takeoff and quantity calculations
The Dangl.AVA, Dangl.GAEB and Dangl.AVA.Converter dependencies were updated
Dependencies update for latest bugfixes with GAEB XML import and export
Dependencies were updated. Dangl.AVACloud now supports the overrides introduced with the latest Dangl.AVA.IO release for some properties
The public documentation was updated with information about the unified Dangl.AVA project model
The Dangl.GAEB dependency was updated
The Dangl.AVA and Dangl.AVA.Converter dependencies were updated to include the latest additions of properties
All parameters of type IFormFile are now checked to ensure their length is greater than zero. Otherwise, the request will return a 400 - Badrequest status code without hitting the controller
Added AvaProjectDtoValidationAttribute to ensure that invalid AVA Projects sent as parameters lead directly to a 400 - Bad Request response and don't hit the conversion service at all
Updated Dangl.GAEB to v1.6.7 for latest improvements to deserialize GAEB XML files with missing GAEBInfo declarations
The Dangl.AVA dependencies were updated to v2.1.0. This now also includes support for the new destination GAEB phases SideOffer and CostEstimate
When sending invalid AVA-projects via the API where elements of type IElementDto contain an invalid ElementTypeDiscriminator value, an error message is sent as response with the offending value
The Dangl.GAEB module was updated to make importing of malformed GAEB XML files more robust
GAEB exports now contain a GAEBInfo.ProgName to indicate their origin as coming from AVACloud
Update dependencies for latest bugfixes and performance improvements
Update dependencies. GAEB files which have no item numbers and no item number schema defined should now get automatically generated item numbers
Update dependencies
Fix some issues where the new ASP.NET Core 2.2 InProcess hosting model would sometimes fail to load the OS-dependant System.Drawing.Common.dll in Azure App Service environments
Fixed issue where the Swagger definition contained duplicated enum values
The Dangl.AVA & Dangl.GAEB dependencies were updated to the latest version v2.0.0
The server side was upgrade to ASP.NET Core 2.2
Update of dependencies to fix bugs related to empty tables in some GAEB XML Html long texts
Exports to GAEB 90 no longer include the branding comment, since this caused problems with some importing applications
The DestinationGaebType for GAEB 2000 Commerce was renamed from GAEB2000Commerce to Gaeb2000Commerce. The old value may still be used by clients
The public and internal Swagger endpoints were unified to a single one
The public client does now also include all operations with AVA models. It uses generated models instead of the Dangl.AVA.IO package
Bugfix: The .NET client had a bug around JSON deserialization of OAuth2 token responses
Update Dangl.AVA dependencies for latest bugfixes
The Admin Ui Dashboard can now optionally store and display options that were used during conversion processes
Update Dangl.AVA.Converter.Excel and Dangl.Oenorm for latest bugfixes and improvements
Dangl.AVA models were updated to indicate properties that are readonly. This should make integration with clients more straightforward
Bugfix where non-schema compliant GAEB XML files with invalid decimal values could not be read
Bugfix where GAEB 90 exports with very high absolute values for deductions failed
The API now accepts Austrian OENorm 2063 files as input
Update Dangl.AVA dependencies for latest bugfixes
The app is now published with all dependencies. This results in slightly larger deployment sizes, but makes hosts no longer require to have the correct .NET Core runtime installed
Update Dangl.GAEB & Dangl.AVA dependencies for latest bugfixes
Prettify Admin UI Dashboard
Update to ASP.NET Core 2.1.3
Update Admin UI Dashboard to include more statistics
Update dependencies to be able to read NoteText elements from GAEB 2000 commerce exchange phase files
All DateTime Json response objects have now their timezone attached
Added AVACloud Admin UI Dashboard to monitor service health and metrics
Added option to normalize file names, so that when files are converted with their full path & filename, only the filename portion is used for the result
Add support for GAEBXML_V3_1 destination type
When supplying an invalid culture to endpoints returning Excel, the culture will now default to en
Fix Swagger discriminator propeties not being correctly camelCased in the Swagger definitions
Fix Swagger schema being set to only http when first hit by Azure App Service warmup via non-secure http route