Dangl.AspNetCore.FileHandling Changelog for Version 0.8.1
Added an overload to the constructor of AzureBlobFileManager back for binary compatibility with earlier versions
Dependency injection for the Azure Blob client was reworked, so it now also adds the original BlobServiceClient to the service collection
The AzureBlobFileManager now implements IAzureBlobFileManager and offers additional, Azure Blob specific features. It is also registered as a service for type IAzureBlobFileManager
EnsureContainerCreated was renamed to EnsureContainerCreatedAsync on the AzureBlobFileManager and is now also available on the IAzureBlobFileManager interface
Update Azure Storage dependencies
Added new friendlyFileName parameter when creating SAS links, so it's possible to manually configure the file name for downloading
Fixed a bug in the InstanceInMemoryFileManager and InMemoryFileManager classes, where getting a file stream, then disposing it, led to subsequent accesses to the file to fail
Added AzureBlobFilePathBuilder to provide a method to build file paths for Azure Blob Storage
Added GetSasDownloadLinkAsync to AzureBlobFileManager to allow creation of direct SAS download links
Added CheckIfFileExistsAsync to the IFileManager interface
The Azure Blob SAS link generation does now also work with non-Azure hosted endpoints and is now covered by an integration test
Switch to Azure.Storage.Blobs to replace the deprecated Azure SDK
Add GetSasUploadLinkAsync method to AzureBlobFileManager to allow direct upload to blob storage for clients so the service does not have to proxy the file upload
Add the InstanceInMemoryFileManager class. This is different to the InMemoryFileManager in that it keeps its internal cache only per instance and not in a static field
Replace deprecated WindowsAzure.Storage dependency with Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob package
The generated assemblies now have a strong name. This is a breaking change of the binary API and will require recompilation on all systems that consume this package. The strong name of the generated assembly allows compatibility with other, signed tools. Please note that this does not increase security or provide tamper-proof binaries, as the key is available in the source code per Microsoft guidelines
Add option to get and save files with just their filename / filepath and a container name
Add option to delete files
Add option to save timestamped files in a hierarchical structure
Add package Dangl.AspNetCore.FileHandling.Azure
Update InMemoryFileManager to create copies of the saved streams so they are accessible after the original was disposed. The Clear() method on the InMemoryFileManager now disposes all held streams before releasing them