Dangl.TextConverter Changelog for Version 3.0.4-beta0003
The System.Text.Encoding.CodePages dependency was downgraded again to 4.5.0, to fix dependency incompatibilities in earlier .NET versions
Dropped tests for .NET 6 and added tests for .NET 8
When exporting plain text to RTF, there's now a space after the initial {\rtf1 control word
Updated internal dependencies
Support \line as line-break control character when reading RTF
The ANTLR dependencies were updated from Antlr.Runtime to Antlr.Runtime.Standard. The new package is the now official ANTLR runtime package and includes many performance improvements
Compatibility for net40 and netstandard1.3 was dropped, the lowest supported frameworks now are net45 and netstandard2.0
Dropped tests for net5.0 and added tests for net7.0
Whitespaces in span texts are now better preserved when converting from Html to plain text
RTF texts now support images. They can be read from RTF and also exported. Conversion between RTF and Html will also preserve images. For some operations, images can only be preserved if they are converted to another format, e.g. importing DIB (Device Independent Bitmaps) from RTF requires you to supply an IRtfImageConverter, similar when exporting a GIF image to RTF which also requires a conversion. To extract RTF texts from images, you must use the RtfToText.ConvertRtfToSegmentedText method
A new package Dangl.TextConverter.RtfImageConversion has been published, which contains converters for both GIF and DIB formats
HtmlAgilityPack was updated from 1.11.7 to 1.11.43, which now treats sequences like <br></br> as two instances of the br tag instead of a single one. This behavior is actually correct, but customers that rely on the old behavior can check the source code examples for how to configure it
Segmented RTF text now may also return a new type RtfImageSegment. Client code should be updated to expect this new type
The TextByClass type now also has a property ImageNode, which will be populated if Html text is split by class name and an image node is encountered. Please be aware that image nodes will always lead to a split node and not have any other properties set
Dropped tests for .NET Core 3.1 and added tests for .NET 6.0
Fixed a bug where escape sequences terminated with a semicolon ; were not properly converted from RTF to plain text
Dropped tests for netcoreapp2.1 and added tests for net5.0
Fixed a bug where HtmlToText.ConvertHtmlToPlaintextAndSplitByClassname removed empty segments at the beginning or the end, even if the segments were matching a class name
Fixed a bug where the runtime complexity of the HtmlTableConverter was rising very fast for deeply nested tables
Add net40 as target framework
Deserializing RTF text now recognizes escape sequences in decimal format, e.g. \u252 is deserialized as ΓΌ
The NuGet package now does specify the MIT license
Dropped tests for netcoreapp2.2 and added tests for netcoreapp3.1
The PackageIcon element is now used for the NuGet package instead of the deprecated PackageIconUrl
Deserializing escaped unicode strings now ignores non printable characters
Bugfix when deserializing incomplete RTF texts. When an incomplete RTF string was given, this could sometimes lead to a NullReferenceException
Bugfix in HtmlToText.ConvertHtmlToPlaintextAndSplitByClassname which could throw an exception if the Html had no plain text representation, e.g. for image only Html
The generated assemblies now have a strong name. This is a breaking change of the binary API and will require recompilation on all systems that consume this package. The strong name of the generated assembly allows compatibility with other, signed tools. Please note that this does not increase security or provide tamper-proof binaries, as the key is available in the source code per Microsoft guidelines
The class Dangl.TextConverter.Html.HtmlTableConverter is now public
The InternalsVisibleToo attribute for the assembly was removed to prevent conflicts in applications that sign their binaries
Bugfix where bookmark elements in Rtf texts with missing closing elements where throwing a System.InvalidOperationException
CI tests are now also run on Linux
Bugfix where line endings were sometimes not correctly trimmed when running on .NET Core on Linux
Non-printable unicode escape sequences (0x00 - 0x08, 0x0b and 0x0e - 0x1f) are now ignored when converting RTF text to plain text
Add the HtmlAgilityPackLegacyBehaviorHelper utility class and fix an issue where enabling the legacy behavior in HtmlAgilityPack was not thread safe and could fail when simultaneously accessed
Update HtmlAgilityPack dependency. The previously referenced version 1.9.2 was pulled from NuGet due to an unintended, breaking API change. Please see https://github.com/zzzprojects/html-agility-pack/issues/125 for more information about the change
The HtmlToText class now sets the static property HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument.DisableBehavaiorTagP = false in its static method calls to ensure compatible behavior. If your own code relies on different behavior, please ensure that this property is always set to its original value after invoking one of the methods on HtmlToText. See the README for further details
Dependencies update
Small internal refactoring
Dependencies update
Add bool keepWhitespaceAtLineEnds parameter to TextToHtml.TransformPlaintextToHtml() overload which defaults to false
Bugfix where Rtf text was sometimes incorrectly read and output when segments between groups started with whitespace
Add StringLineStartNormalizationExtensions
Update HtmlAgilityPack for huge (about 10x) performance improvements in netstandard targets, see https://github.com/zzzprojects/html-agility-pack/releases/tag/v1.8.11
When converting Html to plain text, it's now possible to have the result split by Html class names. Please see the README or https://docs.dangl-it.com/Projects/Dangl.TextConverter for further details
public static SegmentedRtf ConvertRtfToSegmentedText(string rtfInput) was added to RtfToText. This will return text segments that contain plain text representations of the texts as well as tags to indicate the opening and closing of bookmarks. This is used, for example, in the GAEB & AVA .Net Libraries by DanglIT to work with text additions in GAEB 2000 files. Please see the README or https://docs.dangl-it.com/Projects/Dangl.TextConverter for further details
Added TextToRtf.ConvertPlainTextToRtf(SegmentedRtf segmentedRtf) to convert back to Rtf from segmented texts while preserving bookmarks
Dropped tests for netcoreapp2.0, added tests for netcoreapp2.2
Bugfix: Some empty tables caused a NullReferenceException when converting them to plaintext via the HtmlToText class
Update of HtmlAgilityPack and System.Text.Encoding.CodePages (the latter only for netstandard targets)
Dependencies update
Update of HtmlAgilityPack dependency to include latest bugfixes
Internal refactoring of the CI/CD pipeline
Small performance improvements for parsing Rtf text
Update HtmlAgilityPack to latest stable version 1.8.4
Switch to HtmlAgilityPack. The HtmlAgilityPack.Core fork is no longer required since the original supports now netstandard
Add netstandard2.0 target
Switch build system to NUKE
Fix bug in RtfToText where Rtf annotations were read as plain text
Performance improvements for Rtf texts that contain pictures
Update Html encoding/decoding to preserve correctness in roundtrip scenarios
Downgrade to netstandard1.3 and net45 for broader compatibility
Performance improvements
Update ANTLR4 dependencies to latest stable version