This is a small app that allows mirroring an organization on a Gitea instance. You need admin rights to do it, and it will basically create a new organization, with mirrored repositories. You can download it at DanglDocu: https://docs.dangl-it.com/Projects/Dangl.GiteaOrgManager
The following CLI options are supported:
-u, --url Required. The base URL of the Gitea API instance, e.g. http://gitea.dangl.dev/api/v1
-t, --token Required. The Gitea access token to use for the API calls
-s, --source Required. The name of the source organization to mirror from
-o, --org Required. The name of the target organization to mirror to
-e, --exclude A list of repositories to exclude from the mirroring, comma separated
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.