This project aims to provide a lightweight ActionFilterAttribute
that takes care of sorting and paginating Asp.Net Core API results.
This project is for you if you're still waiting for OData support in Asp.Net Core, even though you
only need the most basic of operations. It's also for everyone tired of writing like the 17th
string sort = "Username"
parameter and lines over lines of switch statements in their controller actions.
It supports EntityFrameworkCores async query materialization with the optional LightQuery.EntityFrameworkCore
In addition to the C# client, there's also a client for Angular 5+ on npm: ng-lightquery
Version 1.2.0 and above are compatible with Angular 6+ and rxjs >= 6.0.0.
The package is available on nuget. Daily builds are on myget.
MyGet feed:
PM> Install-Package LightQuery
Includes the core functionality to sort and paginate Asp.Net Core controller results
PM> Install-Package LightQuery.EntityFrameworkCore
Includes support for EntityFramework.Core async query materialization
PM> Install-Package LightQuery.Client
Includes LightQuery models and the QueryBuilder utility
NETStandard 2.0 and .Net 4.6.1 are supported.
Tests are run via the TestsAndCoverage.ps1
script in the project root.
Documentation - Server
See below how to apply sorting & filtering to your API controllers. At a glance:
- Return an
from your controller with anIQueryable
value - Use
to sort,page
for pagination in your requests
You can find a demo in the integration test projects for an example of using this in an Asp.Net Core MVC application for sorting and filtering.
using LightQuery;
public class ApiController : Controller
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(IEnumerable<User>), 200)]
public IActionResult GetValues()
var values = _repository.GetAllValuesAsQueryable();
return Ok(values);
Annotate your controller actions with the LightQueryAttribute
and it takes care of
applying url queries to the result. All ObjectResult
that have an IQueryable
will be transformed. You're free to return any other results, too, from the annotated action
and it will simply be ignored.
Example: desc
This will sort the result by its Email
property (it is title-cased if no email
property is found) in descending
Pagination & Sorting
Paging is active when the request includes pagination query parameters or via explicitly setting the forcePagination
parameter to true in the attributes' constructor. Sorting works in combination with paging.
using LightQuery;
public class ApiController : Controller
[LightQuery(forcePagination: true, defaultPageSize: 3)]
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(PaginationResult<User>), 200)]
public IActionResult GetValues()
var values = _repository.GetAllValuesAsQueryable();
return Ok(values);
"page": 2,
"pageSize": 3,
"totalCount": 20,
"data": [
{ "userName": "Dave", "email": "[email protected]" },
{ "userName": "Emilia", "email": "[email protected]" },
{ "userName": "Fred", "email": "[email protected]" }
Async Materialization
The LightQuery.EntityFrameworkCore
package provides an AsyncLightQueryAttribute
. This can be used
for data sources that support async materialization of queries, e.g. var result = await context.Users.ToListAsync()
Documentation - C# Client
The LightQuery.Client
package contains the PaginationResult<T>
base class as well as a QueryBuilder
utlity class to construct queries.
using LightQuery.Client;
var url = QueryBuilder.Build(page: 3, pageSize: 25, sortParam: "email");
var response = await _client.GetAsync(url);
var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var deserializedResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PaginationResult<User>>(responseContent);
The LightQuery.Client
package contains an abstract class PaginationBaseService<T>
that can be used in reactive clients. It is similar in functionality
to the TypeScript client.
Documentation - TypeScript & Angular
The npm package ng-lightquery
contains client libraries for LightQuery that can be used in Angular 5+ projects. It has a generic PaginationBaseService<T>
that your own services can inherit from. As of now, you have to provide a concrete implementation for each generic type argument that you want to use, since the dependency injection in Angular does not currently resolve generics. So if you want two LightQuery services - one to retrieve users
and one to retrieve values
- you need to create two services yourself.
Example with Angular Material 2 DataTable
You'll have three files in this example:
The Angular template which contains an Anguler Material table view.
<md-table [dataSource]="dataSource"
[mdSortDirection]="usersService.sort?.isDescending ? 'desc' : 'asc'"
<ng-container cdkColumnDef="email">
<md-header-cell md-sort-header *cdkHeaderCellDef> Email </md-header-cell>
<md-cell *cdkCellDef="let row">
<md-header-row *cdkHeaderRowDef="['email']"></md-header-row>
<md-row *cdkRowDef="let row; columns: ['email'];"></md-row>
<md-paginator [length]="usersPaginated.totalCount"
[pageIndex]=" - 1"
The component which is backing the view.
export class UsersComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
constructor(public userService: UserService) { }
private usersPaginatedSubscription: Subscription;
usersPaginated: PaginationResult<User>;
dataSource: DataSource<User>;
onPage(pageEvent: PageEvent) { = pageEvent.pageIndex + 1;
this.userService.pageSize = pageEvent.pageSize;
onSort(event: { active: string, direction: string }) {
if (!event.direction) {
this.userService.sort = null;
} else {
this.userService.sort = { propertyName:, isDescending: event.direction === 'desc' };
ngOnInit() {
this.dataSource = this.userService;
this.usersPaginatedSubscription = this.userService.paginationResult.subscribe(r => this.usersPaginated = r);
ngOnDestroy() {
To use the pagination service, simple let your own service inherit from the one provided by the ng-lightquery
package via extends PaginationBaseService<T>
. You can omit the implementation of the DataSource<User>
interface and the connect()
and disconnect()
methods if you're not working with Angular Material.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { PaginationBaseService } from 'ng-lightquery';
import { User } from '../models/user';
import { DataSource } from '@angular/cdk/collections';
export class UsersDetailsService extends PaginationBaseService<User> implements DataSource<User> {
constructor(protected http: HttpClient) {
this.baseUrl = '/api/users';
// You can optionally initialize with some default values,
// e.g. for sorting, page size or custom url query attributes
this.sort = {
isDescending: false,
propertyName: 'email'
connect(): Observable<User[]> {
return this.paginationResult
.map((r: PaginationResult<User>) =>;
disconnect() { }